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Fact Sheets
The thing to do- if you opt for online training, select a trainer whom you're comfortable with and confident in his or her ability to help you achieve your exercise, health and fitness goals.
Then, the rest of your exercise program will just fall in place.
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AshwagandaAshwagandha - Whithania somnifeaFri, 14 Mar 2008 09:24:50 EDT
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Gazette, The (Colorado Springs) - Supplements no substitute for good dietMon, 08 Dec 2003 08:00:00 GMT
December 8, 2003 -- During the next few weeks, we'll look at supplements. Books have been written about the subject, so this is by no means a comprehensive look at...
Natural RemedyThe Subconscious Influence on Your Diet and Permanent Weight Loss
Copyright 2005 Kelly Burris
What determines human behavior and in particular your eating behavior? I have yet to come across a psychiatrist, psychologist or physician who can answer this question, yet this is the most fundamental question if you wish to initiate lasting permanent behavior change. If you can not answer this question, how could you possibly expect to help someone make a change in there diet or insure permanent weight loss? How can you move forward if you do not definitively know what is moving you forward. What determines human behavior and in particular your eating behavior is simply information. Can you do anything in your life without talking to yourself or seeing a picture of what you need to do? Of course not! It would be a little bit like trying to read from a blank page. No information = no action!
The next question is: What are the components of this information? The components of the information that determines your emotional state and behavior are words and pictures. The next logical question then is how do you Recognize, Access and Change the information that is driving a behavior that simply does not work? This is where over 20 years of research and development come in with a program process now known as Burris MIND/FITNESS. MIND/FITNESS answers the last question with great precision and accuracy by virtue of starting out with the first two questions. In the resolution of any problem it is always about the question. Never has this been more relevant. Imagine if for the last 60 years psychologists asked, How can I fix it? instead of Why is it broken?!
Why You Absolutely Must Take Control of Your Subconscious
To give you an idea of the power of the subconscious, you can speak at a rate of about two to three hundred words per minute. Your subconscious runs at a rate of about one thousand to twelve hundred words per minute which is about four times faster than you can speak. This is why you can talk on the phone and perform other tasks like typing on the computer or driving a car because the subconscious is already programmed to do the other tasks. You can look at the conscious mind and the subconscious mind like a tug of war with a vat of mud in the middle for whom ever loses. The conscious mind is one-person on one side against the subconscious, which are four people on the other side. If the conscious decides to move in a different direction like changing your diet, losing weight, increasing your fitness program, quitting smoking or any number of other things, it is usually a losing proposition because you are simply out numbered with information. This is why it is so difficult to attain spontaneous change. Burris MIND/FITNESS will to make sure you have the most people on your side in the tug of war.
Burris MIND/FITNESS is based on the reality that all behavior is emotionally driven or in other words your emotional state = your behavior. How you feel about things you do will always determine whether you move toward them or not. You will always move toward perceived pleasure and away from pain. The key component of any behavioral change program must include how to get control of your emotional state. So what is the biggest difference between MIND/FITNESS and any other behavioral change program? The question MIND/FITNESS asks is: How can I fix it? as opposed to Why is it broken?
Example: If you get a flat tire on your car, do you want to walk back down the road to find out why you got the flat or do you want to know how to fix it so that you can keep moving forward?
It is certainly not necessary to spend the last 40 years of your life analyzing the first 40 years of your life.
It is imperative that you understand how to take control of the subconscious because the mind is like a car without an off switch and an unknown driver, if you do not predetermine the destination. If you decide not drive it, it is going to drive itself or someone else may get in the seat and drive it for you. Someone else driving might be ok if you agree to where they are going but what if you do not like where they are going?
For the first eighteen years of your life someone else drove the car. This was usually with little or no consideration to the younger passengers. Almost every decision was made for you. You were told what to do, what to eat and learned how to react to any given situation. All of this information is stored in the subconscious and will arise randomly to determine your lifes path.
There are also a tremendous number of variables that can occur in your initial programming that may have little to do with your parents. The bottom line still remains. Do you, at some point, want to drive or do you want to continue letting someone or something else drive?
About the author:
Kelly Burris is the author of Reprogramming the Overweight Mind: 7 Steps to Taking Control of Your Subconscious. You can read the first two chapters, or become a Certified Burris MIND/FITNESS Consultant by going to
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